Ai Group Workplace Lawyers is a national law firm with a team in South Australia staffed by experts who live and advise locally. 

The Adelaide-based team, comprising Legal Practitioner Directors Amanda Green and Susan Babidge, Senior Associates Emma Papps and Sam Hooper and Lawyer Andrew Tulic, have an edge that gives SA clients — as well as those around the country — unsurpassed service. 

“Our lawyers have unrivalled access to the creation and implementation of workplace relations laws, given what Ai Group does for member employers in the advocacy space,” Ms Green said. 

“We represent a wide range of employers from a variety of sectors, so we’re attuned to the legal and practical needs of all types and sizes of businesses. 

“While we have the benefit of Ai Group’s policy-based insights and prominence as a voice for employers in Australia, we can apply both, as well as our legal expertise, to assist local businesses. And, we are right here in Adelaide.” 

“Because Ai Group’s policy team has a place at the legislative table and are highly regarded advocates, Ai Group Workplace Lawyers’ clients have the opportunity to contribute to the consultative process that shapes policy and laws. 

“It’s giving them access to not only legal advice, but also the potential to change the law in a way that favours business. 

“If employers want change within the system, advanced knowledge of what’s coming or insights available from being at the table with the legislature, then that’s what we do.” 

Ai Group Workplace Lawyers can assist Ai Group members and clients in matters relating to employment, industrial relations and workplace relations law. 

As advisers with Ai Group Workplace Relations Consulting, the SA team also has the automatic right to represent clients at the Fair Work Commission, a privilege afforded only to member organisations.  

“This makes us quite distinct from traditional law firms,” Ms Green said. 

The SA team also has a workers compensation practice to support clients involved in disputes with injured workers. 

Mr Tulic’s role in this led to his appointment to the state’s Return to Work Minister’s Advisory Committee last year. 
In this capacity, he provides a voice for business in relation to workers compensation matters in South Australia. 
Ms Green, meanwhile, is on the SA Industrial Relations Consultative Committee — an advisory body that gives the state’s IR Minister an employer-based perspective. 

“We are all from SA, We’ve got a real mixture of experience and local connectivity ranging from plaintiff backgrounds to private law firms specialising in employment law,” Ms Green said. 

“Being local, we can sit at a table with you to understand your business needs, talk through strategy and find solutions.” 

For assistance in employment, workplace relations and IR legal matters, please contact our team in South Australia on 1300 55 66 77. 

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