March 7, 2019 11:00 am – March 7, 2019 12:00 pm

As we head towards the 2019 election, workplace relations issues continue to remain high on the reform agenda. In this special three-part online series, the Ai Group Workplace Relations Team will tackle the big ticket IR and workplace relations items that should be squarely on your radar. We will discuss practical implications for your business and answer your questions live ‘on the air’.

In the first session, we focus in on hot WR compliance issues, including:

  • The Labour Reform Agenda:
    Potential increases to penalties, criminal sanctions, increased supply chain responsibility and a definition of “casual employee”;
  • Top 10 WR Changes:
    A compliance “health check” against the big changes of 2018, including new NES and Modern Award obligations, the post-Skene regulatory landscape and the Fair Work Amendment (Right to Request Casual Conversion) Bill.
  • Not the employer, but still on the hook?:
    A refresher on accessorial liability under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and when your business might be “involved in” a contravention.


Michael Mead: Head of Consulting and Legal Services, Ai Group
Gella Rips: Senior Adviser – Workplace Relations, Ai Group
Rogan McMahon: Principal Adviser – Workplace Relations Consulting, Ai Group

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